El’s Coffee

I get many comment and they said, “Your picture is good, but I don’t know what are you writing for.”
Thank you, I’m so happy because they like my picture. But I’m a little bit sad.
I really want to write in english, but I can’t.
I must learn more more and more before I write in english.
Please forgive me, if I have a lot of false.

I spend my holiday in my hometown, Palembang. It’s not cozy like when I was a kid.
I feel so strange here, maybe it’s not my hometown anymore.
I still have a memory and it can’t changes, even I said I don’t.
But my feeling changes alot.
However I feeling of, I’m so happy, Palembang grow up so fast.
Now, Palembang have a lot of culinary, not only pempek-pempek.
You should to try it with yourself.
Don’t believe what are you hear from other, you must come and taste it yourself.
And you will know what is the true.

El’s Coffee cukup booming disini. So I don’t wanna missed it.
Aku datang saat makan siang. Terlihat pengunjung El’s Coffee adalah pegawai kantor, mahasiswa, dan ada juga keluarga.
Sekalipun, mungkin tempat ini lebih cocok untuk anak-anak muda, nongkrong atau nongkie-nongkie.
Bisa juga untuk cuci mata, dari El’s coffee turun ke hati ❀

Sesuai namanya El’s Coffee, mereka mengunakan kopi 100% asli dari Indonesia.
Sorry, I can’t taste it. Coz aku mempunyai lambung yang lemah.
El’s Coffee juga menyajikan makanan makanan asia.
Mereka juga menyajikan minuman beralkohol.
However, let’s check it out, the favorite menu from El’s Coffee πŸ˜€


Chicken Katsu Donburi IDR 42.000

I recomended this menu, it’s so tasty πŸ˜€
Well, well, I will descript it πŸ˜€
Seperti nasi chicken katsu pada umumnya. Nasi, telor, chicken katsu, daun bawang, dan special souce.
Special souce is taste like creamy, cheese and a little bit spicy.
Inilah yang membuatnya yummy πŸ˜€

Two Ways Chicken IDR 42.000

Chicken lover, try this menu πŸ˜€
Two ways chicken adalah dalam 1 menu disajikan chicken katsu cabe merah, juga kaarage spicy with special souce.
Dan sungguh, chicken katsu cabe merah membakar lidahku, it’s so spicy!
Oh, really, I can’t eat spicy food >_<“


Chocolate Frappe IDR 36.000 (right)
Chocolate milk blend with ice πŸ˜€

Ice Cappucino IDR 29.000 (center)
Cappucino is fine then coffee πŸ˜€
My mom so like it. Cukup pahit dan kopinya cukup kuat, sekalipun ini adalah kopi susu.

Red Velvet Popcorn IDR 39.000 (left)
What is red velvet? Cake? Hahaha..
I guess red velvet is only the name of a cake. And in El’s Coffee is not a cake.
Taste sweet, not to sweet with caramel popcorn on the top.
It’s so creative, right? πŸ˜€


Taste 7.5 Clean 8 Service 8 Cozy 8

El’s Coffee
Rajawali Village Mall

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